Ecommerce Website Architecture

Ecommerce Website Architecture: How to Make a Successful Online Store

October 7, 2021 By adminvihaan Off

People often think that ecommerce website architecture is just about how the store looks, but it’s actually much more than that. Successful ecommerce stores are able to sell products because they have a well-designed checkout process and an accessible layout. The ecommerce business owner also needs to take into account their target audience when designing the ecommerce store so they can better understand what customers want from their shopping experience. This blog post will help you create a successful ecommerce website by outlining the basics of ecommerce website architecture so your online store can meet customer demands and be profitable!


The data layer is the final ecommerce web development layer that mostly save and process data. The business layer, which you can find here , processes requests from other ecommerce website architecture components, receives them through service classes or directly by using database connections. It also uses this information to obtain data for further processing in the presentation layer .


The Data Service Layer is a separate entity used as an intermediary between the Business Layer and Data Access Layer. This way it provides better abstraction of all database operations performed on different tables or custom objects stored in there. When working with big databases having many entities, creating several direct connections between e-shops frontend applications (presentation) and back-end data storage can cause a performance bottleneck. In this case it’s better to use Data Access Layer which works as an abstraction between e-shop applications and actual database tables or custom objects.


The presentation layer is responsible for ecommerce website user interface, such as filling out forms with product information from the catalog of products available on ecommerce website, adding items into shopping cart and placing orders. All these actions result in corresponding messages being sent to business logic where they are processed by workflow management system . The results of successful processing returns back to e-shops frontend via service classes calling methods inside presentation layer objects (e-shops backend).

In the end it’s all about good architecture which allows you to scale horizontally when necessary – elastically increasing e-shop performance capabilities up to required level at any moment without  e-shop frontend and ecommerce backend downtime.

At the same time,  e-commerce architecture should be scalable vertically – e-shops backend capable of expanding up to required level without ecommerce frontend downtime.

The choice of ecommerce software or eCommerce platforms is also very important when it comes to e-shop stability and performance. For example, not all shopping cart systems are reliable while having large databases with thousands products in catalog . On the other side , some hosting providers don’t have enough resources for your business growth which can lead into website down time if you use heavy ecommerce web application on their servers. This is not a good sign! This might suggest that the client-server architecture lacks a solid network, although the usage of this architecture for expanding businesses is usually a smart option.