How cryptocurrency birth ransomware epidemic

August 5, 2022 By adminvihaan Off

Cryptocurrency and ransomware

Cryptocurrencies have been around for a while now, and they’re only becoming more popular. You can get the most up-to-date information about cryptocurrencies at

You may have heard of Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency. But what you may not know is that Bitcoin is often used to pay for ransomware.

Ransomware is a type of malware that locks your computer or encrypts your files until you pay a ransom. The ransom is usually paid in Bitcoin, and the malware’s creators often take advantage of the cryptocurrency’s anonymous nature to avoid being caught.

Ransomware is a growing problem. In 2016, ransomware attacks worldwide increased by 600 percent. And in the first quarter of 2017, ransomware attacks increased by 175 percent.

The best way to protect yourself from ransomware is to keep your computer up-to-date with the latest security patches and to back up your files regularly. You should also be suspicious of unsolicited emails and never open attachments or links from unknown sources.

If you do fall victim to ransomware, don’t panic. There are ways to get your files back without paying the ransom. You can find instructions on how to do this online.

Cryptocurrencies are here to stay, but so is ransomware. Be careful when using the internet and make sure you take the necessary precautions to protect yourself.

Cryptocurrency and ransomware: the birth of a new epidemic


In the past few years, cryptocurrency has become a popular investment, with its value soaring. Bitcoin, in particular, has seen a dramatic increase in value, from $1,000 per coin at the start of 2017 to over $19,000 in December.

However, with this increase in value has come an increase in crime. Cryptocurrency is a perfect target for criminals, as it is anonymous and difficult to track. One of the most common crimes associated with cryptocurrency is ransomware.

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files on a user’s computer, then demands a ransom payment in order to decrypt them. The first known ransomware attack was in 1989, but the phenomenon has exploded in recent years. Ransomware attacks have increased by 6,500% since 2015, and they now account for almost half of all malware attacks.

Most ransomware attacks are carried out through phishing emails. These emails contain links or attachments that, when clicked, download the ransomware onto the victim’s computer. Ransomware can also be spread through malicious ads, or by visiting infected websites.

Once ransomware is installed on a computer, it will encrypt all of the files on the hard drive. The user will then be presented with a message informing them that their files have been encrypted and demanding a ransom payment in order to decrypt them. The ransom payment will typically be in the form of cryptocurrency, as this is untraceable and difficult to track.

The average ransom payment is $1,077, but this can vary depending on the size of the infected company. Ransomware can have a devastating effect on businesses, as it can encrypt files containing vital information and disrupt business operations.

Cryptocurrency is not the only form of payment that can be used in ransomware attacks. In some cases, the ransom payment may be in the form of gift cards or prepaid credit cards.

There have been a number of high-profile ransomware attacks in recent years, including the WannaCry attack in May 2017 and the NotPetya attack in June 2017. These attacks affected millions of users around the world and caused billions of dollars in damage.

Cryptocurrency and ransomware are the new face of crime, and they are only going to become more common in the future. Businesses need to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect themselves from these attacks.

What can be done to prevent Cryptocurrency ransomware attacks?

Cryptocurrency ransomware attacks are on the rise, and there’s not much that can be done to prevent them. But that’s okay, because there are a few things you can do to minimize the damage if you do get hit.

First of all, make sure you have a good backup system in place. If you’re unlucky enough to get hit by ransomware, you’ll want to be able to restore your data from a backup.

Also, be sure to keep your antivirus software up to date. Many antivirus programs include features that can help protect you from ransomware attacks.

And finally, be careful where you download software from. Make sure you only download software from reputable sources, and avoid downloading pirated software.